Dr. Channa Jayasena, M.A., PhD, M.R.C.P, F.R.C.S Pathology

Andrologist, 22 Years of Experience

Dr. Channa Jayasena

Channa Jayasena is an internationally recognized specialist in the field of reproductive endocrinology. He currently leads a research team at Imperial College London, and works as Consultant in Reproductive Endocrinology and Head of Andrology at St. Mary's & Hammersmith Hospitals, London. Dr. Jayasena qualified in medicine at Cambridge University, after which he undertook specialist training in Diabetes & Endocrinology in London.

Having been awarded a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellowship and NIHR Clinical Lectureship, he conducted first-to-human studies at Imperial College investigating the clinical effects of novel hypothalamic neuropeptides such as kisspeptin on the human reproductive axis of men and women. Dr. Jayasena has also been awarded a prestigious NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship investigating the metabolic regulation of male infertility. 

Dr. Jayasena co-chaired the 2021 Society for Endocrinology Guidelines for Testosterone Treatment in men.

Dr. Jayasena leads the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Testosterone Efficacy & Safety (TestES) Consortium of researchers in 17 countries. TestES has provided the most comprehensive study to date on risks of cardiovascular events during testosterone treatment in men with low testosterone. 

He has also conducted work revealing that partners of women with recurrent miscarriage have a high risk of sperm DNA damage and reactive oxidative stress.

Dr. Jayasena's team is one of the few international centres with expertise in fertility treatment for men with azoospermia. They has developed cutting edge techniques such as seminal reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement, microsurgical testicular sperm extraction (mTESE) and testicular mapping. Their work have advanced our understanding of the role of hormone stimulation during mTESE surgical sperm retrieval for men with azoospermia.

Education and Qualifications

FRCP - Royal College of Physicians of London

FRCP -Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

FRCPath - Royal College of Pathologists

PhD - Imperial College London

MBBS - University of Cambridge

MA - University of Cambridge

Practicing Clinic

Sainsbury Wing, DuCane Road, London, United Kingdom

Hammersmith Hospital